Archive for March 31st, 2020

Thursday at THE FARM–Buyer’s Group

Business Card

The truck comes in tomorrow–we put the boxes together and get the food stocked for sale–and then open Thursday morning at 10:00 am.  The Store is open until 6 pm to pick up your Box and add in items for the rest of the week.  Food is essential!  

2 EXTRA Special Boxes For Sale–text 431-1219 to RESERVE.  Sign up to be a part of the Food from now until the End of May.  $30 a Box, 2 times a Month.  Group A & Group B.

BOX 1–1# Mandarin Tangerines & pint of ORG Blackberries, Asparagus, Greybull Valley Butterhead Lettuce, bundle of Leeks, ORG Cherry on-the-Vine tomatoes (12 oz), 2# ORG Red Potatoes, ORG Colored Bell Pepper, and a very unique and special ORG Watermelon Radish$30 with an Info Sheet.

BOX 2–2 AvocadosBroccoli headGreybull Valley Green Leaf Lettuce, bundle of Leeks, ORG Rubie on-the-Vine Tomatoes (12 oz), 2# ORG Red Potatoes, ORG Colored Bell Pepper, and a fresh bundle of ORG Red Radishes$30 with an info Sheet.


Lloyd Craft Farms takes the month of June off to get the garden ready for the CSA in July.  Garden is harvested 13 weeks, and Extensions are available for 2 weeks in October.  Consider NOW joining the CSA, pay before May 15th, and save $65 off the Weekly Share, and $35 off the Leap-Frog.  Cost is higher after May 15th–take advantage now. 

Sign up ON-LINE at, and send money later…note in comments your payment plans.  🙂

We can be uncertain of what the next couple of months will bring, but we can be assured, we need to eat.  We should eat good to be healthy and strong to withstand whatever health issues are sent our way!  The Farmer’s Wife