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This Thursday is the Pick Up this week for the Share–Everyone.  (Deliveries will still be made Friday to Thermopolis and the North Route.)  Thursday Pick Up will be at The Farm from noon to 3:00 p.m.  For those coming out on their lunch break, we will get you through the line as fast as possible!  If you can’t make it during the 3 hour pick up time, your share will be set-up in the cooler with your name on the wall above the stack–but you will miss out on the Extra’s Table.  It can be picked up Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Veggie Share this week is Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Onions, Butternut Squash, Celery, Sage, and Hooligan’s. 

Swiss Chard is the only greens that will be available for the remainder of the season.

Butternut Squash require some curing in order to develop their sweetness.  Whether curing begins when the plant dies or the squash is cut from the plant is not clear. If the first, these are ready as the plant died with the first frost; if the latter you will want to let it sit until next week.  I tested a butternut tonight and it tasted good, but if you have the luxury put yours aside until next week–it can only get better!  We have an easy Butternut Bisque recipe under the Recipe tab–creamy texture of Butternut lends itself to Bisque!  (Recipe #15.)

Hooligan’s are little sweet bi-colored pumpkins–great roasted or baked whole and scooped out for a bowl with Hooligan soup–use the Bisque recipe. You will get a sampling, but we will try to put some extras on the Extra’s Table in case you’d like more than one or two.

Broccoli has been an Extra on the Extra’s Table most of the season, but not every one has had it each week–so, here it is in your share.  You should be noticing a change in the flavor of the broccoli–cool weather does it well!

Onions again this week–I wanted to get you the Patterson onions, which are a yellow storage onion, but the Alison Craig’s do not store well and so we needed to get them put out instead.  Patterson’s will be the onions in the Add4Weeks option.  Red onions will be in the last week’s share–they are the only onion not dug yet.  The sample The Farmer brought in yesterday was gorgeous! All the onions are sweet and mild.

Celery again–this will be your last celery for the season.  Don’t forget how great it dehydrates for use in your winter soups!  A special treat is always celery sticks stored in cold water in the fridge–

Sage–we are going to give you an herb each week–as long as they are available.  Sage can be used fresh or dried for use in your Thanksgiving turkey.  If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can place it in the oven on a cookie sheet at 180 degrees until dried.  Store it in a jar, slightly open, turning it for several days to prevent it from getting moldy.

EXTRA’s TABLE–A variety of sweet and hot peppers, red and green cabbage, Brussels sprouts (2 tubs!), the last of the Honey Bear Acorn Squash and a few extra Hooligan’s, some sad tomatoes, and a tub of Eggplant–last of the season.  Think Baba Ganosh–eggplant hummus…recipe in the Recipe tab. (Recipe #44) 

See you Thursday!  The Farmer’s Wife

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