Archive for December 31st, 2022

Happy New Year! Bee Healthy Open until 4:00 on Dec 31

OPEN UNTIL 4:00  New Year’s Eve— Today!

Closed Sunday…as usual…


Store hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (and the rest of the week…as usual…)

We still have Heirloom oranges and Honeycrisp apples…bananas…and other produce. How about a Special breakfast for the first day of the new year- 2023? Top notch pork (links, sausage, or bacon from Beeler’s and Mulay’s), Pasture-Raised Eggs (almost gone for this week–more next week), hash browns made from Lloyd Craft Farms Huckleberry Gold potatoes, fresh squeezed juice from Heirloom oranges (from whence other oranges evolved)….hmmmmm Try our Spicy Bacon from Tender Belly: Spicy Habanero!

Happy New Year! 2023 is just around the corner!–