Archive for September 16th, 2014


We are still going–Hope you are, too!  🙂 

Tuesday Pick Up at The Farm 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.  Share this week is LETTUCE, CABBAGE, YUKON POTATOES, DAIKON RADISHES…last of the WATERMELONS AND CORN…and a new treat:  fresh CELERY.


CANNER’S SHARE:  Canning tomatoes and broccoli still available. New crop of fall cabbage–green and red–great for sauerkraut and frozen cabbage burgers or filling.  This cabbage will keep in a cool place for months!  We covered some of the pepper plants from the frost–peppers available for freezing…Hot Peppers for salsa…potatoes for frozen fries or hash browns.


How long will the CSA last?–6 more weeks.  We still have beets, carrots, cauliflower, purple salad turnips, sweet potatoes, more potatoes, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, onions, and Swiss chard.

Please watch your email or check the website frequently for messages on Pick Up locations and times.  We may consolidate Pick Up days, switch the time to a warmer part of the day, or change the place of Pick Up to get away from mud or the cold.

Stay tuned!  The Farmer’s Wife